Cancellation & Refund Policy

  • If you wish to cancel the booking 30 days prior to the arrival date, we will refund you the full amount of the booking value in the original payment mode after deducting applicable taxes or 100% in the form of a future redeemable voucher. 
  • If you wish to cancel the booking 14 days prior to the arrival date, we will refund you 75%* of the booking value in the original payment mode after deducting applicable taxes or 100% in the form of a future redeemable voucher. 
  • If you wish to cancel the booking 7 - 14 days prior to the arrival date, we will refund you 50%* of the booking value in the original payment mode after deducting applicable taxes or 60 % in the form of a future redeemable voucher. 
  • For any cancellations requested within 7 days of the arrival date, the booking will be non-refundable.
  • If the booking has been partially paid for, the cancellation will be deemed non-refundable.